Exercise corrections page 20 english book 6th year

Exercise corrections page 20 english book 6th year

My favourite free time activity is ………………..

swimming in the pool.

How do you feel when you do it ?

I feel happy and free .

When do you do it ?

In the afternoon, after school.

Where do you do it ?

Nnear my house.

Who do you like to do it with ?

with my friends.

Why do you like to do it ?

because it helps me relax.


My favorite free time activity is I love to swim because it makes me feel happy and free. I usually swim in the afternoon, after school. I go to the big pool near my house. The water is cool, and I feel strong when I swim. I like swimming because it helps me relax, and I have fun with my friends. It’s my favorite way to spend my free time!

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